Sunday was the 10th annual Putt Putt Regatta. It was held at Davistown, off the Illoura Reserve at the end of Davistown Road.
Putt putt boats are easily distinguished from other power boats by the sound of their engines. That is, their engines make a "putt putt putt" sound.
Test runners before the Regatta. The light started off all right then quickly went to buggery and stayed there.
The putt putt boats came in their hundreds from far and wide. The Davistown foreshore swarmed with enthusiasts and gawkers. Unfortunately it was a crap day for photography.
Two putt putts and the Cockock II. A fair while before the Regatta started.
There were putt putts, there were escort boats, there were dogs, there were ducks, there were stalls, there were crowds, there was a queue for the dunny. There was several seconds of video of the ground with a soundtrack of me swearing at the batteries then getting ticked off by a Dear Old Thing for Language.
It was a crap day for photography anyways. The sky couldn't make up its bloody mind if it was going to storm or not or just lay there sullenly. But dinna fesh yersel', there'll be another Regatta next year and the light will be better.
Way before the Regatta. Hardly any traffic on the water at this point and a few moorings still vacant.
Can't decide whether I like this one or Sally-Anne below better. Think I'll have both!
Yes, that's the Australian flag, yes it's usually on a blue background. The red background version is a marine version. All the ferries have got the red version.
Sally Ann. A lovely wee boat. Just the right size. Note tiller for steering, cushion on seat for comfort on those long regattas, klaxon on port side for politely requesting another boatie to watch where the &%$#! they're going, brolly under back seat (not visible this photo) to serve as shield from inclement weather and emergency sail, and ensign (wee boating flag) to denote country of registration.
Over at the Woy Woy vantage point there was humidity and pelicans and more bloody dogs. Some dickhead zoomed round the point doing the nautical equivalent of 140 in a school zone and the coppers zoomed round after him. There were the mingled perfumes of jasmine and jessamine, pertol fumes and dog shit, spilt beer and barbeques.
All up, it was a good day. Even though the bloody weather never did make up its mind.
Official Regatta site - scroll down for heaps of photos
Thank yer for all the good wishes BTW, much appreciated.
Still feeling like I've had the shit kicked out out of me but such is life, as a dimwitted footy player got tattooed on him just before he got arrested.
welcome back spike hope everything managed to work itself out
Thank yer.
It'll be a while before the dust settles but things are looking promising.
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