Platform boat in Woy Woy Channel just behind the Bowls (Woy Woy Bowling Club). Is there some boaty type reading who can tell us if this is purely for fishing in calm channels or what?

The jetty you have when you're not having a jetty. There were a good dozen like this, in a crowded spot near the Bowls.

Don't know if this reedy plant is native to the area but it grows here and there along the channels and creeks of Woy Woy and Brisbane Water. Whatcha think, Erica?

Crabs. Crab holes anyways. I think they only come out at dawn or at night. Never seen them during the day.

Is this your sunken treasure? Looks like a nice old wooden boat.
It too is just behind the Bowls in the Woy Woy Channel.

Ah, the old dingy and mangroves photo. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
This one's on the foreshore between Brick Wharf and Blackwall Mountain.
Notice the nice pines on the right. They make a beautiful soft rushing sound in the wind.
Tell you what, it's getting bloody dark now at 3.40. Hope it pisses--Yep, it's pissing down. Smells great.
That pontoon boat looks like a mini version of a party boat I was on in Port Hacking years ago , going by the stack of chairs I'd say it might be a hire , drink grog n barbeque affair , not a real outside boat , just a channel lurker , not real good for fishing off either - fishing lines get all tangled underneath the pontoons , but who cares as long as the beer is cold ;)
Them bastard spiky bushes been here as long as I can remember there common around the place
oops forgot
Does your camera have a Landscape setting? it will kill the white dark balance problem with skies in scenery shots
that bloody storm came over all right I had a blackout yesterday from 4 - 5pm
Is that a footpath I can see on the right in the last photo? if it is when did that go in?
Steve, ah, a party boat. That explains the pissy little motor and the comlete lack of streamlining.
That is the landscape setting. The bloody light was all over the bloody shop.
Michael, oh yeah, I forgot. The bike path is up to up to about opposite Park Road now. Couple of blokes hard at it when I went past. All shirts off and glancing at the sky least it rain on their nice wet concrete.
Didn't get nothing round my way in the way of black-outs. You get all the fun!
yeah I always cop blackouts here for some reason
is that bike path going to continue all the way down to the blackwall end of the reserve?
can't help you with the spiky plants, not big on reeds and sedges :) there's a few native varieties that all have those brown seeds but couldn't find any pics -
Husband reckons the floats on the pontoon are for going into really shallow water, but couldn't offer a suggestion as to why you would want to be in very shallow water
Erica, I would hazard a guess and say it's so yer drunken mates can find you more easily when you drunkenly fall out of the party boat.
Michael, saw summat in the local rag about the bike path being stalled. Funding seemed to be the issue. And there was I thinking the bastard had been paid for before it was started. Bloody local governments! Mutter mutter.
Yoour the best
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