I was bloody lazy yesterday. Too bloody lazy to walk. Too bloody lazy to do bung something up here. Laid on the sofa most of the day yawning and watching those nice big storms. Nice light show here but they made mincemeat of Western Sydney again. Anyways, here's the latest bits of Woy Woy to be menaced by the bulldozer.

Empty block next to Deepwater Plaza and across the road from the railway station. Corner of Railway Street & George Street. The local rag's just announced plans for the multi-storey carpark (from which this photo was taken) to be extended and the only logical extension is onto that block. It'll make a hell of a difference to the street.
That's Woy Woy Bay in the right background and Phegans Bay in the left background. The red roof on the right edge of the picture is the bottle shop.

Bit of bush on the corner Ocean Beach Road & Pioneer Road Umina, just near the service station. Lorikeet fans should note that flowering gum is the same type as they feed on all over the peninsula.
Snippet of bushland on the corner of the main road. Two 1940s houses got demolished next door and I'm thinking that land and this snippet is going to be sprouting more bloody villas soon.
Bits and blobs
Steve's Woy Woy photos are up and he's added some new articles and a spiffy new forum.
Pop over and leave a comment on Olive's blob. She's been blobbing over a year now. Pretty good going for a 108 year old.
Right. I'm off out onto the balcony to await for today's storm.
I was hoping that they would pop some more shops on that site, it has been empty for many years there used to be a petrol station (cant remember what company was running it - maybe steve might know?)and that little bottle shop used to be a pini parlor I knew the family that ran it
had another nice little walk on saturday evening walked from ettalong wharf right along past andersons boatshed then walked a bit further on until i couldnt go any further then back to ettalong wharf again
I've enjoyed watching the grass on it change colour with the seasons and ripple in the wind but it was too good to last.
Ta for the pinnie parlour info. Been looking for that info for yonks.
Lovely spot for walkies along there.
Do you ever walk right round from Ettalong along the beach to Mount Ettalong? Nice to pop into the Umina pub after for a feed and a gargle.
have done that walk in the past not lately though
There was a Mobil or a Caltex servo there on that block owned by a local with the surname Ray
I played Space Invaders on the old coffee table machines in the old Milkbar Bottlo , some mediterranean family owned it , nice people
I'd love to have a dig around the site when they scrape that mound of dirt off ( try out the new metal detector )
I took a hike up at the old quarry on Woy Woy road and got to the top of Woy Woy tunnel before my dog decided he had enogh ( silky terrier crosses aren't good bush dogs ! ) and we headed back , took a couple of pics but theres not much too see , very overgrown now but I'll go back without Chewy to look for some old farm sites and eventually do a full sweep of the old tunnel navvies camp , I got a whole winter of missions planned out on Google Earh and will blog the good ones at www.woy-woy.net
Always happy to help in the way of what was where back then , I been here since 65
Take care all
I remember playing that same space invaders game there too steve I knew the son he went to woy woy high as well but he was a couple of years below me
I have been here since 1970 - 71 so I have a lot of memories too
Michael, Haven't done it for a bit myself.
Steve, d'oh! I'd forgot about the servo. One of the Dear Old Things told me yonks ago.
I wonder if the old tanks are still there underground? Guess we'll find out when they start.
Chuck Chewy in yer backpack. Nothing a small dog likes better than a walk where they don't have to walk!
I like the sound of these walkies you've got planned. Will definitely keep an eye on yer site.
The pair of you, you guys are my online memory bank :)
I enjoyed this post, thanks for sharing.
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