They arrested the bastard who lit the Peats Ridge fire on the Central Coast. And there have been no known deaths in the NSW fires. (For NSW and Victoria see map below.)
In Victoria the police are treating all the fires as crime scenes and they already have some evidence and suspects. The arsonists could be charged with murder. Good. Gutless bastards.
The bad news is the death toll in Victoria is now over 100. That makes it at least 30 more than the previous worst record of bushfire deaths in Australia which was 75 on Ash Wednesday in 1983.

Wiki Creative Commons
Yesterday's bushfire locations map
One of the reasons we're so scared of bushfires in we don't have that much farmable land. Australia is 80% of the size of mainland America but has a whacking great desert in the middle of it and even in the farmlands the soils are ancient and not very fertile.

Wiki Creative Commons
Map of world climate zones
Australia's size compared to America, the UK and Europe and Asia.
Victorian bushfire info line 1800 240 667 (for infomation on relatives and friends missing in the fires)
1800 811 700 has been swamped and the Red Cross is asking that people donate online instead at
Salvos Bushfire Appeal
"Donations can be made to The Salvation Army Disaster Relief fund by calling 13 Salvos (137258) or by going online to"
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Victorian bushfires at Flickr.
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