Bustling Downtown Hardys Bay
View down Killcare Road to the waterfront near the ferry wharf, across Hardys Bay to The Rip Bridge. Look at the colour of that water.
It's yonks since I walked at Hardys. More than a year in fact.
To get to Hardys you can go via Empire Bay Drive and Wards Hill Road, or you can get the Codock ferry from Woy Woy Wharf during the school holidays. Get off at Hardys. (Map)

Bustling Downtown Hardys Bay from Heath Road Hardys Bay
That long jetty you can see is the public wharf and the marina. The ferry pulls in there (after waiting patiently for fishing lines to be shifted), there's a concrete boat and a crowd of yachts tied up along it.
At the shore end there's a public loo and a couple of nice shady trees, a bus-stop, 3 cafes, a real estate, a gallery, and a bottle-shop with icecreams, newspapers and milk.

Hardys Bay from Araluen Drive Hardys Bay
A quiet sunny day on the foreshore. You wouldn't be dead for quids.

Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo at Hardys Bay
Local resident enjoys morning tea. No idea what he was eating but he was clearly enjoying it.
Wooden boats in Hardys from another post last year.
I'm buggered. Had a rowdy weekend and it's bloody ten thirty already. Shit, I've missed half of Shameless.
havent been down to hardys bay for ages either I might get down there this saturday and take some photos which i will put up on my flickr
I watch shameless as well not a bad little show I was weatching a doco on ozzie osbourne yesterday arvo on foxtel and it dawned on me how much Frank looks and acts like ozzy!!!
I went down there today (Saturday) I went to Mcmasters beach then onto wagstaff, hardys bay and killcare. got a few photos which I will put up on my flickr later on this afternoon or this evening
by the way the link you put on here to go to my flickr page is wrong it goes to someone elses page
Part I
My god you're right, Ozzy bloody Osbourne. At least Frank doesn't pick up small yappy dogs and smell their bums!
Part II
Looking forward to them.
Bugger. This one? Michael's photos of Woy Woy & nearby
yeah thats the right link thanks spike
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