Have shaken the flu at last. Thanks to taking several million pills and potions. Went for a gentle stroll round Gosford with hayfever spray rammed up one nostril and cotton-wool rammed up the other. Warm day for a walk. It was about 25 (75 F) in the sun. Summer's here and it's only the 4th day of spring.

Jasmine lolling over an old wooden fence in Gosford somewhere. Makes my hayfever go berserk but it's lovely to look at.

Grevillea (or whatever) blazing in the sun on the wall of a Gosford restaurant.

Azaleas are blooming all over the Peninsula. The favourite colours are pinks and white. I like the palest pink ones.

Hidden treasure in bustling downtown Woy Woy. Didn't notice it last spring though it must've been there for years.
It's on Blackwall Road Woy Woy, behind Chambers Real Estate opposite Oval Avenue. Seen from the footpath beside Chambers.
Most of the magnolias seem to have finished flowering. The wind of the last few days has stripped their fragile blooms off. The daisies are still going berserk. They'll last all summer. And the frangipanni are coming into leaf and the golden wattle are still going full steam ahead.
Great to hear you are better Spike..
That must have been a doozy!
Ta muchly. It was. Not as bad as the six week bout in 2005 though. If I never go through that again it'll be too soon :)
The whatever is bougainvillea, but don't you just hate a smartarse ;)
Thanks. One day I'll get the bougainvillea/grevillea separation happening then the sky will fall in shortly after.
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